Delbor thought he had a rather large penis.
He'd used a number of standards to measure it - the tape measure, of course. But, do you measure it on the top or the bottom? On the lower side you could cheat, well, not really, it was still the penis under the testicles, and it did add an extra half inch. On the top, when you take the tape from the tip to your belly, that's it, no cheating. Delbor was an underside measurer.
He'd also looked carefully at the size of the hands of the girls in his class and done some cock to hand calculations. Let's say he had examined the matter very thoroughly using the means at his disposal in those days: observation of girls, friends' jokes, sneaked glances in the shower after sport and the centrefold from Parade magazine, the only reason to want to get a hair cut because it was in the waiting room at the barber's shop. Photos of naked women, there for the cunning removal of by a Delbor wishing to know more, to explore the Universe of his mind. To enlarge his horizons.
Meanwhile, within the other Universe, the Big One out there, all around us, Delbor knows he is totally insignificant, tiny, microscopic as he puts on his pyjamas, glancing down as his tackle falls into place, mentally shrugging. "Infinitely small indeed.."
As he pulled the bed covers up he was suddenly overcome with the enormity of it all and had to have a wank.
That would be interesting indeed. An infinity, literally, of smallness? Smaller than a quark? Infinitely smaller than a quark?
ReplyDeleteThat undoubtedly exists, don't you think Bill?